Thursday, July 9, 2015

The Shortness of Time

(#239, Big Bear 1947; Radio 1948&53; Imperial, 1954&60)
Read 1 Cor 7:29; Eph. 5:14-17; Col. 4:5-6.

Time is a gift from God and as a gift should be valued.  Different than most gifts, it is divided into small periods: years, months (12), days (365), hours (8760), minutes (525,600) and seconds (31,536,000).  As the clock ticks off seconds it scratches them out.  Then can never be relived.

Our passage says, "The time is short" (1 Cor. 7:29).

ƒ    Why is time short.
    1.  Because of the brevity of life.  Life is like a vapor (Js 4:14).
    2.  Because of the uncertainty of opportunity.  Once God said, "My Spirit will not always strive with man."
    3.  Because of the multiplicity of things that crowd in.  There are so many demands in our modern age that time gets shortened for spiritual necessities.
    4.  Because of the second coming of Christ (Mt. 24:4-12).

ƒ    Things that time is short for.
Negatively, there seems to be plenty of time, too much time, to be lost and without Christ, to serve the world, to walk in the flesh.  But given the demands of life, I would suggest time is short...
w   To be saved.  Need I impress upon you the need of being saved?  Your life is at stake.  Without Christ you are eternally lost.  Time is short to be saved.  NOW is the day of salvation.
w   To witness.  Look about you.  Here is Yermo there are many that need to be saved.  See the young people in your homes.  What of those with whom you work.  There is no time to lost; they may go into eternity tonight.
w   To pray.  Do you realize the power of prayer?  So then I ask, how much do you pray for your children? your Sunday School class? your church? the unsaved?
w   To read your Bible. 
w   To lay up treasure in Heaven.
There should be no such word as "tomorrow" in the Christian's vocabulary.  The time IS short.
The opportunities of today will be gone tomorrow.

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