Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Matthew 5:9; James 3:14-18

A recent article called attention to bad deal-makers in business, those who lie, whine, manipulate or con to do their job.  Why would anyone use these techniques in deal-making?  It’s because we think:  Blessed are those who fight for what they want, for they shall be called prosperous and successful.

Jesus says, Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called sons of God.  According to James peacemaking is a divine or heavenly quality (perhaps that is why peacemakers are called sons of God; it makes them like God who sought reconciliation with sinful man in Christ.)  Peacemaking is the opposite of envy or self-seeking.  A study of the fights or disputes in the Bible will bear out that more often than not the problem was envy.  People want the good things that have been given to others and so engage in war to get it.  The result of this failure to make peace is confusion and every evil thing.

Peacemakers are characterized by righteousness (Jas. 3:19) and joy (1 Pet. 3:11).  Peacemaking is a lifestyle, not just an event; thus they sow peace at home (1 Cor. 7:15), in the church (Rom. 14:19) or wherever they are (Rom. 12:18).

How does one make peace?  First consider a couple of negatives answers.
·        One cannot make peace at any cost.  Rom 12:18 says, As much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men.  You cannot spend (give up) the gospel (Matt. 10:34).  You cannot spend holiness (Heb. 12:14).
·        One cannot make peace without sacrifice.  Paul was willing to become all things to all men that he might win some to Christ (1 Cor. 9:19-23). We will have to sacrifice personal rights to make peace.  Paul encouraged the Corinthians to accept wrong … be cheated rather than to engage in lawsuits against a fellow-believer (1 Cor 6:7).
In a more positive light …
·        The qualities that make peace are part of a life controlled by the Holy Spirit (Rom. 8:6; Gal. 5:22).  We must be yielded to Christ (Rom. 12:1) or we will live out our natural selfishness.
·        As the Spirit fills us we make peace through Godly communication.  Use the following from Proverbs to evaluate your peacemaking toolkit.
16:7: I am in fellowship with God.
22:10: I am not a mocker.
17:14: I drop differences when possible
12:20: I have a joyful heart.
11:12: I keep quiet whenever possible.
11:13: I keep secrets.
13:10: I take advice.
14:9: I acknowledge my own sins.
15:1: I give gentle answers.
15:18: I am patient.
17:9: I overlook offenses.
18:17: I am a good listener.

One final thought.  We do not become sons of God by making peace.  That only happens when we believe on the Lord Jesus Christ (John 1:12).  But God our Father fills us with peace by the Holy Spirit as we live by faith, thus making us like Him (Rom. 15:13).  Then we will be called the sons of God!  

Do you look like your Father?

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