Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Genesis 22:1-14 (3)

We have already seen Isaac as a wonderful representation of our Lord Jesus Christ in His birth.  In this passage we see Isaac as a picture of Christ in His death.  Enjoy meditation on these many similarities.  Then meditate on one significant difference.
·       v1: Both were real, historical events.  The Word became flesh (Jn. 1:14) for the suffering of death (Heb. 2:9).
·       v2: Both were the only sons ohttps://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=823321858604748389#editor/target=post;postID=4859121177819853840f their father. By an eternal decree (Ps. 2:7) Christ was the only begotten of the Father (John 1:18; 3:16).
·       v2: Both were loved by their Father.  This is the first use of the term love in Scripture.  It did not first appear in a marriage context but in the relationship of father/son.  (Matt. 3:17)
·       v2: Both were sacrificed in the land of Moriah.  The temple would be built on Mt. Moriah (2 Chron. 3:1).  Christ was crucified nearby in the area around that mount.
·       v2: Both satisfied God’s command.  Christ died according to God’s pre-determined purpose (Ac. 2:23).
·       v4: Both were lost to their father for three days.  (John 20:17)
·       v5-6: Both traveled alone at the last.  As Abraham and Isaac left the servants so Christ’s friends left Him at Gethsemane.
·       v6: Both carried the wood for the sacrifice.  Christ bore the cross on which He would give His life (1 Peter 2:21-25).
·       v7: Both went silently save for discerning the father’s plan. The Lord Jesus is the Lamb silence before His shearers (Isa. 53:7).
·       v9: Both were fully yielded to the father’s will.  The compliance of Isaac is amazing; yet he is the perfect picture of Christ who committed Himself to the One who judges righteously (1 Pt. 2:23).
·       v12: Both experienced a “resurrection”.  Isaac is resurrected figuratively (Heb. 11:19); Christ is resurrected for real.
·       v13: In each situation, God provided the Lamb.  Christ is the Lamb God provided for Himself (Jn. 1:29,36; 1 Cor. 5:7; 1 Pt. 1:19; Rev. 5:12-13; Ac. 8:32.  Jesus is Isaac’s substitution. 

What happened in Gen. 22 on a mountain in the land of Moriah was the very thing Jesus spoke of in John 8:56 when He said that Abraham rejoiced to see the day of Christ.  Give praise today and always for the reality of Christ!

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