Friday, April 3, 2015

Genesis 13:5-18

Abram’s nephew Lot played an important role in the journey of faith.  In three situations Lot provides Abram the opportunity to demonstrate faith in God.
Both Abram and Lot were prosperous and it came to be that their livestock was too much for them to live close to each other.  Abram graciously allowed Lot first choice in two possible areas where they might abide.  Lot pitched his tent toward Sodom, taking the choice that was incredibly lush and most conducive for increasing his herds.  At the same time, his choice put him in the neighborhood of some of the most wicked people in the land.
Abram was left with an area that, while not as fit for livestock, was still conducive to raising a herd.  His choice put him in close proximity with people of the land who would be good to Abram and who desired friendly relations. 
Lot thought he made a good business decision but it was a terrible lifestyle and family decision.  The Scriptures teach us that Lot was a man who sought God (2 Peter 2:6-8), but he put himself in a place where he was over his head spiritually.  His decision would have tragic consequences for his wife and daughters. 
Abram made a decision that seems to demonstrate his faith in the promise of God.  It shows great wisdom in that he sought a peaceable solution to the situation.
God’s acknowledgement of Abram’s faith is seen in the reconfirmation of His covenant (v14-17).  Abram is encouraged as he resettles, again building an altar for worship (v18).
There is an important truth about faith in this story.  Faith in God pursues the righteousness of God.  When we consider how we believe God is leading us from day to day we must always ask ourselves, How will my choice affect my walk with God? 
It is not automatic that a choice that brings more money or makes our lives easier is the one God has in mind for us.  If that were the case, Jesus would never have gone to the cross.  Indeed, He would never have left the splendor of heaven to dwell among us!
When God leads, He leads in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake (Ps. 23:3).  As we seek His leading let us always ask for that which most honors His name.  Faith pursues righteousness!

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