Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Genesis 15:7-20

God’s people have often drawn comfort from the covenant with Abram, including times when one might excuse God if He were to break the covenant.  For example …
·       Ex. 32:13: when God was threatening to destroy Israel at the time of the golden calf, Moses reminded God of the covenant.
·       Psa. 105:42-44: God Himself, when explaining why He was so patient with Israel in the wilderness time, referred to the binding covenant He had made with Abraham.
·       2 Kings 13:23: at a time when God was punishing Israel for her sin, He had compassion because of His covenant with Abraham.
·       Lk. 1:54-55, 72-73: Mary and Zechariah speak of the covenant at the time of Jesus’ birth.

God has given Abram His word; Abram has believed it (15:6).  God now affirms His word through a ceremony.  The specific issue here involves the land Abram is to inherit (v7-8).  It is after Abram’s expression of faith that God gives him some details concerning the land as well as making clear His intention to do as He has said.
v v9-11: the covenant ceremony.  This type of ceremony, where animals are divided in half and the parties pass between, was apparently common in Abram’s day.  But note: only One passes between (v17).  This covenant is unconditional; it is all of God, received in faith by Abram (John 1:12: believing is receiving).
v v12-16: the covenant chronology.  A sense of awe (horror, darkness) comes over Abram as God speaks.  Abram is told that God is only beginning His work in Abram’s lifetime.  There will be a period of time before Abram’s descendants occupy the land.
v v17-21: the covenant geography.  For the first time God uses the term covenant (v18) as He gives borders to the promised land,  borders include land from the River of Egypt to the Euphrates, more than is typically thought of as that promised to Abram.

Let us meditate on God in this story since it is all of Him.  He is:
·       the Faithful God (v7, seen in the covenant name Yahweh);
·       the Sovereign God (v13-16) who determines the times;
·       the Immutable God (v9,17) who guarantees the covenant;
·       and the Gracious God (v18-21) who makes the covenant.

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