Sunday, June 9, 2024

Psalm 1

 This is the word of God so we are not surprised at such an ideal "Hymn #1" in God's great hymn book.  It simply could not be any better.  It presents the two ways, the only two ways, of Man.  It is either the way of the righteous or the way of the ungodly (v6).

The Entrance to Each Way, v1-2

When we say entrance we do not mean merely a one-time entering but the way we begin and continue on our chosen path.  While the Bible would say the ungodly cannot at any time walk the path of the righteous unless he is born again (e.g. John 3:3), it would also tell us that being in and walking on the path of the righteous is a matter of habit.  In a sense each day for the righteous depends on the delight in and meditation on God's word.

Further, the two ways are defined not by where we go physically for we all go to the same places day by day.  Verse 1 may have in mind the gates of the city in Biblical Israel.  This is where the "wise" people sat to decide the course of the society.  But in fact the reality was that those who were there were only wise in their own eyes, following the dictates of their own hearts (e.g. Jer. 13:10).  Thus the sinner is seen approaching the gate in the path of ungodliness.  Because of the inclinations of his heart he stops to stand and listen to the sinners, eventually joining the in the seat of scorn!

Note: the ungodly ARE NOT SO.  It is not that they have different inclinations.  It is that they are radically different.  Their minds are being made new (Rom. 12:2; Eph. 4:23).  They also will walk by the gate day after day, but they will not be drawn to the ideas and opinions of the gate.  They DELIGHT in the Word of God, His law in His Kingdom.  They will make His word their constant MEDITATION, bringing it to mind as a cow repeatedly is chewing its cud.

The Effect of Each Way, v3-6

The difference in verses 1-2 is fundamental.  The rest of the Psalm is the result of what is in the thoughts of the individual.  You cannot dwell ON the mind of ungodliness and live IN the path of righteousness.  The counsel of the ungodly is useless and unprofitable (Jer. 23:11-16,28,32).

The effects are immediate.  One way experiences fruitfulness and prosperity, in the sense of having one's purposes fulfilled.  The other sees all he values and lives for disappear as wind blowing the chaff away from the wheat at harvest time (Ps. 35:5).

The effects are eternal.  The ungodly have no standing in the time of judgment.  They have no part in that which God has prepared for the righteous.  And why is this so?  It is because God wills it to be so!  This is reality in the ordered universe of the Creator.  One path is blessed by God's favorable knowledge.  The rest of the Psalms detail the blessing of His knowledge on the righteous.  The other path is characterized by death, by separation from God.

Sing this song because it is true.  Then, recognize that you are choosing your path every day. We would plead with you: be born again.  Enter in at the narrow gate that leads to life everlasting (Matt. 7:13-14).  Delight in and meditate on God's word!

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