Monday, July 17, 2023

Rom. 8:1-11, JOYFULNESS vs. self-pity (3)

f)     How can one experience joy?  We have noted that Paul’s letter to the Philippian church is all about joy.  I highly recommend a study of that letter, verse by verse.  For this study, here are some individual texts to consider.

i)      Prov. 3:13: Proverbs encourages us to gain wisdom and understanding.  Great idea!  Just be careful not to let our joy-seeking to become a list of things for “me” to do.  Read on!

ii)   1 Peter 1:8: Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, the One you have never seen but who bore your sin on the cross, that will be a joyous choice.

iii)            1 John 1:1-4: Growing deeper in the knowledge of Christ and enjoying fellowship with Him brings joy.

iv) John 15:10-11: Abiding in Christ brings joy.  That may indicate that joy should increase the longer we walk with Christ.

v)    John 16:24: Use the power and privilege of Jesus’ name in prayer!  That brings God’s answers which come with joy.

vi) Prov. 29:18: This was a word to Israel, that keeping the law brought happiness.  The New Testament would agree, that obedience to the Creator brings joy (life) while disobedience brings about death and it’s accompanying sadness (Rom. 6:20-23).

vii)          Gal. 5:22: Being filled with the Holy Spirit brings joy.  It’s one of the “fruit” of the Spirit.  Being filled with the Spirit begins with setting our minds on the things of the Spirit (Rom. 8:5-8).

g)    Now let’s acknowledge a cautionary statement about joy, from 1 Cor. 7:30.  Paul says that because of the fact we live in the last days, we should live our lives for Christ with great focus.  Part of that focus is to not let the seeking of joy to become the center of life.  His concern is with our day-to-day lives.  He reminds us in v31: the form of this world is passing away. 

h)    Last, how can we bring joy to others.  Here are a few thoughts from Proverbs.

i)      Prov. 12:25: through kind words.

ii)   Prov. 12:20: through words of peace.

iii)            Prov. 15:23: through proper words, an apt reply.

May I suggest Prov. 15:13 for memorization.  This is common sense if you are a Christiaan: A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance, but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken. 

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