Friday, July 28, 2023

2 Peter 1:1-8, SELF-CONTROL vs. self-indulgence (3)

d)    What areas are of major concern to Christians in exercising self-control?

i)      1 Cor. 6:12-20: physical intimacy, sexual immorality.

ii)   Prov. 16:32; 29:11: anger.

iii)            Prov. 15:28; 18:13; 21:23: words.

iv) Prov. 23:20-21; 25:16: consumption of food and drink.

v)    Prov. 25:17: friendships.

vi) Prov. 28:22: riches, the love of money.

vii)          Gen. 4:7: our worship!  Cain refused to rule over sin that was crouching at the door of his heart.  The result was that he turned away from God.

e)    How can a Christian gain control of self?

i)      Gal. 5:22-25: As the Spirit controls He exalts Christ in our hearts and minds so we are transformed into Christ’s image.  In other words, the Spirit produces His fruit.  This transformation is the result of coming to Christ, dying with Him and being raised to the new life.  We have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.  Apart from Christ, we will always be subject to the flesh with its passions and desires (Rom. 8:7-8).

ii)   Here are a couple of other “helps” in gaining self-control.

(1)                        1 Cor. 9:25: Living life with a sense of our purpose in Christ.  Remember how Paul was not swayed by the advice of other Christians, but kept the course Christ laid out before him (Ac. 20:24).  Why are you here?  The answer to that question controls all your passions.

(2)                        2 Pet. 1:6(5-8): In my understanding of this passage there is a natural progression eight qualities.  One leads to the next.  “Knowledge” precedes “self-control.”  I believe that knowledge of ourselves and the situations we deal with from day to day is essential to self-control.  Let me use Prov. 5 (the fathers advice to his son about the immoral woman and the physical enjoyment of marriage) as an illustration.

(a) Prov. 5:1-2: The boy needs knowledge (2 Pt. 1:6).  He has no idea what he is going to run into as he enters adolescence.

(b)            Prov. 5:3-14: The father tells him the truth about the woman who would try to convince him to engage in sexual immorality.  And he tells him the only solution: flee!  Stay away! (1 Cor. 6:18[12-20]).

(c) Prov. 5:15-21: The father informs his son about how to find sexual satisfaction in marriage (1 Cor. 7:9: but if they cannot exercise self-control, let them marry.)

(d)            Prov. 5:22-23: The father reminds the son to fear God.  God sees all and will hold him accountable, even for what is done in secret.

Many passages are worthy of memorization; I suggest 1 Cor. 6:12.

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