Friday, June 9, 2023

Acts 1:1-11, What do ya’ know: Christ is Exalted! (2)

2)    God has highly exalted Christ in His ascension to heaven.

a)    The ascension provides for the coming of the Holy Spirit (John 16:1-15). Jesus lovingly and wisely prepared His disciples for difficult times that they would face.  They persecuted Me, Jesus told them, so if you follow Me they will persecute you.  Yet He had told them He was going to leave them and go somewhere where they could not come.  But then He told them that His leaving was actually going to provide much greater help than if He stayed.  It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you (v7).  This “Helper” would be the Holy Spirit.  The Spirit would dwell in each and every follower of Christ, so His Apostles would have this help even though they would not be in the same place.  The Spirit would help prepare the hearts of unbelievers to hear and receive the gospel (16:8-11).  He would guide them into the truths which Christ had not yet told them, so that they could provide the New Testament for Christ’s people (16:12-15).  The ascension of Christ is for our good!

b)    The ascension prepares for the second coming of Christ (Acts 1:11).  Jesus had told His disciples He would return for them (John 14:1-6).  The angel said the same: they needed to go back to Jerusalem, as Jesus told them, to be empowered to serve Him.  In due time He would return to earth.  At that time, the exaltation of Jesus’ resurrection and ascension would be even greater.

3)    God has highly exalted Christ in His session at the right hand (Eph. 1:19-23).  At this very moment Christ is at the right hand of the Father, awaiting the time when the Father says it is time for His return.  More on that later.  But for now Christ’s place at the right hand is important for His followers.

a)    Christ’s session at God’s right hand provides for us an Advocate (1 Jn. 2:1-2).  The word here is the same as the “Helper” word in John 16 that spoke of the Holy Spirit.  Christ helps us.  In 1 John the help Jesus gives is the continual application of His blood to the believer when we sin.  That is major!

b)    Christ’s session at God’s right hand provides for us an Intercessor (Ro. 8:34).  There is so much to this.  These passages are worth additional study: Ps. 110; Eph. 1:20-23; Hb. 2:17-18; 10:12; and 12:2.  The OT Law could not bring a person to spiritual maturity (in Heb. “perfection”).  But Christ, by His blood, has brought in a new covenant whereby we can be saved.  He is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him, since He always lived to make intercession for them (Hb. 7:17-27, esp. v25).  He does this as our High Priest (Heb. 8:1).  He appears for us in the presence of God (Hb. 9:24).  And a wonderful truth is that He understands what we need.  So we are invited to enter into His presence, at the right hand of the Father, and there to obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need (Heb. 4:14-16).

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