Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Read Eph. 4:1-16, Gleanings from Ephesians (8)

We concluded yesterday’s post with the term “metro” which indicated that the growing to maturity of the Body of Christ depends on Christ who gives gifts as well as on the parts of the body that carry out their ministry to the body.  There are a few more insights to share on this matter.

·       4:14: We noted that “Christlikeness” is the definition of maturity for the Body of Christ.  One aspect is coming to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God (v13).  When we come to unity in doctrine that properly understands the Son of God, there is a purpose that is accomplished.  (V14 begins with a “hina” clause.)  What purpose is that?

o   We are no longer children.

o   We are no longer tossed by the sea (as the waves ebb and flow repeatedly).

o   We are no longer carried about by every wind of doctrine (holding ideas about Christ according to the latest blowing of the winds).  These winds are triggered by:

§  The trickery of men.

§  The cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting.

For example, in 2 Thess. 2:1, someone sent a letter in Paul’s name to the Church of Thessalonica, explaining to them that the difficult persecutions they were experiencing were evidence that they were already in the “day of the Lord.”  In other words, they had missed the rapture.  This was a lie.  Persecutions are to be expected in this age, as well as in the terrible time to come.  There are many other references to this type of trickery and deceitfulness in the NT epistles.  This is why Paul warned the Ephesian elders that savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock and from among yourselves men will rise up, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after themselves (Ac. 20:29-30).  In today’s Church, we need to be less concerned about being suspicious and more concerned about being protective.

·       4:15: Another description of the perfect man is that he speaks the truth in love.  As a person does this, it is an encouragement for the Church to grow up in all things into Him who is the head – Christ.  In other words, it leads us to the place where Christ fills all. 

·       4:16: Lastly, we must note, that the whole body is “from” Him, Christ, our Head.  We said, accurately, that v16 shows our part in the growth of the Body of Christ.  But we should not take this to mean we must just set out to do our best.  That is a prescription for working in the flesh and in the flesh Christ accomplishes nothing through us.  Let us do our part, submitted to Christ as Lord, walking in the Spirit, empowered by grace.

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