Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Christian Growth

(#1047, Imperial, 1964)
Read 2 Peter 1:4-9; 3:18.
Growth is God's will.  Often new Christians are left to flounder & remain babes in Christ.  They are characterized by barrenness and unfruitfulness (v8).  The growing Christian is as a tree planted by a river that bears fruit (Ps. 1:3).  Spiritual growth involves...

The Divine Nature, v3-4.
There is no growth except there is first a life or divine nature. And the divine nature is only possible through divine Power.
ƒ      His Divine Power, v3.
ƒ      Hath given, v3.  Our Lord is a great giver.  He does not leave, nor lease, nor sell, but He gives (Rom. 8:32).
ƒ      All things, v3.
w    That pertain to life.  Christ not only gives us life but all things necessary to foster and nourish it.
w    And godliness.  This has to do with the believer's walk.
ƒ      Through personal knowledge of our Lord, v3.

The Diligent Believer, v5.
ƒ      Besides this.  Because of the preceding blessings we are to develop Christian character and growth.
ƒ      Give all diligence.  This calls for haste.  If Christianity is worth anything it is worth everything.
ƒ      Add to your faith.  We are to add one excellence after another as a builder adds stone to stone.  Growth is the order of Christian experience.

The Different Excellencies, v5-7.
ƒ      Virtue.  Courage is the original meaning.
ƒ      Knowledge.  Of His Word, His will.
ƒ      Temperance.  Or self-control, a fruit of the Spirit.
ƒ      Patience. Endurance in tribulation.
ƒ      Godliness.  Or God-likeness.
ƒ      Brotherly kindness.  Some profess godliness but show little love for their brother, but these go together.
ƒ      Love. The bond of perfection (Col.3:14).  Love transcends all.
Remember, this is "growth in grace" as opposed to self-effort, self-dependence.  We must abide in the vine and leave the rest to the husbandman (Psalm 92:12-15).

Christian growth comes from a personal knowledge of Christ.

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