Thursday, April 12, 2018


(#1014, Imperial, 1963)
Read Matthew 6:9-13.
We have spent much time on this pattern prayer because prayer is so important and vital to the Christian's experience.  

Martin Luther is quoted as saying that the Lord's Prayer is one of the world's greatest martyrs for it is used so frequently and so thoughtlessly.  This is even more true of the word Amen.  There may be no more dishonored word.  It is used frequently by people as simply the end of a prayer.  Yet it has more meaning than this and it is well that we understand it's use so that we might use it in a way that honors God.

A name given to the Lord Jesus (Rev. 3:14).
When we pray therefore we seal every petition with the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.  This is not to simply put His name at the end of every prayer; this too can become meaningless.  The name of Jesus is not a magic wand.  To ask in His name is to be one with Him in desire. To ask in His name is to accept the principles of prayer Christ taught.

Amen is a word of faith and conviction.
We are acknowledging that God has absolute power to answer every petition.  We are acknowledging our faith that God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we can ask or think.  God often answers different than we expect but the "amen" expresses our conviction that He will answer.

Amen - a test of our sincerity.
When we pray do we really want the thing for which we pray?  The amen says we will allow the request to be fulfilled in our lives.
w    Hallowed be Thy name: so we seek Him first.
w    Thy Kingdom come: so we pray the Lord of the harvest to send forth laborers.
w    Thy will be done: so we present our bodies a living sacrifice.
w    Give us this day our daily bread: so we are not lazy, or covetous, or tightfisted.
w    Forgive us our debts: so we forgive others.
w    Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil: so we abhor evil and resist the devil.
Amen tests our sincerity!

Put the Amen to every prayer in conviction that God hears & answers even though it may be in a way we do not expect.

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