Friday, February 9, 2018

The Bible is the Only Holy Book (10 Evidences, K)

Read Romans 1:1-4; 3:21-26
X.       The Bible is proven to be uniquely the Word of God by its gospel.  The word gospel simply means good news.  Any holy book must bear good news, by which we do not mean simply happy words. We mean: it must bring satisfaction to the souls of those who read and study it, satisfaction that comes from answering the basic questions: who am I? why am I here (on earth, in the universe)? and where am I headed (after I die)?  

The typical answer of religion and religious writings is to acknowledge that we are here because of a Creator, that we are at odds with this Creator, and that our destiny is not good unless we go through the proper actions to appease the Creator.  It is simple justice: we sinned; we must pay the price! 
The problem with this is that there is never any assurance.  Take the Koran and Islam for example.  In the book Sura it is clear that man’s peace with God is based on each man’s works (Sura 2:25; 4:57; 36:54; 65:1).  The difficulty is that none of these tell us the level of good works necessary.  And any human being who pays attention to his soul knows that his soul tells him he is at odds with the universe.  Guilt is very real in every human being, telling us it is not just a matter of how we were raised or some other thing.  We have a real problem.  In Islam the most righteous of people will not have any assurance at the end of his life if he has, in fact, earned a joyful life beyond the grave.

On the other hand, consider the gospel of the Bible.
·        It first explains why we feel guilty.  Sin is real, and the guilt of our conscience is a gift from the Creator to lead us to Him.  Blessed is the man who fears God, i.e. who acknowledges he has a need for reconciliation.  The Bible’s consistent message of the sinfulness of man is not negativity; it is important truth.

·        The Bible establishes the need for the shedding of blood for the salvation of man.  In fact it recognizes that the man himself, because he has offended the very God who gave him life and all things to enjoy, is obligated to pay the price for sin and that price is the forfeiture of his life.

·        At first that sounds hopeless.  But in fact it is the basis for the good news.  God has provided an answer that could only come from Him, the offended Creator.  Beginning with the first sin when God shed the blood of an animal to provide a covering for the sinful couple, God used animal sacrifice to explain and anticipate the day when He Himself would come and be the sacrifice for sin.  Because it was a payment made by the Creator Himself (Jesus was/is the Creator, John 1:1-3 and many other passages) it was a satisfactory payment.  The Creator was appeased in a way that is impossible if the man is left to himself.

As we noted this is the story that ties the Bible together.  It is consistent in this good news, that men cannot earn a right standing with God but that God Himself must, by His grace, provide salvation as a gift.  Thus the only way for a man to be saved has been and is by faith, faith in the Creator’s provision!  Friends, this is good news.  It is good news that makes sense.  It is good news that works.
Being right with God means you have acknowledged you are a sinner, in need of salvation; that you desire to turn from your sin; that you are willing to come to God with an empty hand of faith, reaching out to receive what He alone offers. 

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