Thursday, December 29, 2016

Revelation 22:6-21

This concluding passage begins with familiar words.  The words about the things that must shortly take place (1:1) are faithful and true.  And for those who keep them, there is a blessing (1:3).  Here are some words to keep …
·        From Ch. 1,4-5: honor Christ as the Judge, the Lamb who is worthy, as the heir of all things!
·        From Ch. 2-3: be an overcomer.
·        From Ch. 6-16: repent of sin and rebellion against God.
·        From Ch. 17-18: come out from this corrupt world system.
·        From Ch. 19-22: put your hope in Christ.  COME TO THE WATER (22:17).

Having come to the end of this amazing series of visions, John’s sense of unworthiness and his respect for God’s revelation brings him to his knees in worship, an act rejected by the angel who reminds John that he (the angel) is simply the messenger of God and servant of John and all who keep the words (v8-9).  Let us hear and respond to what the angel says: WORSHIP GOD!

There is a finality to this Revelation.  John is told not to seal up the book but to make it available to be read (v10); the time is at hand.  The judgments in the book will be final (v11).  That existence to which we are raised is eternal.  The decision made in this life will not change after this life.
Because of this finality and because of the eternal separation of those who have a right to the tree of life in the city (v14) and those who are excluded (v15), there are several strong truths made as the book concludes.

v The promised return of Christ is restated, v12-13.  Three times in this chapter Jesus says, “I am coming quickly” (v7,12,20).  In v12 He stresses that He will come in judgment, ready to require an account of the works of His servants (cf. Matt. 25:14-30).  These are the words (repeated from chapter 1) of the One who is the heir of all things, the One to whom, for whom and through whom are all things!

v Further, Jesus reiterates His authority, v16.  He is both root and offspring of David (Matt. 22:42-45).  This is clearly Messianic and a statement of Deity.  As the Bright Morning Star, Jesus speaks of His return as ushering in the blessings of eternity, bringing an end to the darkness of sin.

v There is an open invitation to all who desire to come (v17) and to the thirsty to come and drink of the water of life freely.  At the same time there is a warning not to change the words of the book in any way (v18-19).  This kind of warning is not simply for the words of the Revelation; they are always the case for Scripture (Deut. 4:2; 12:32; Prov. 30:6; Rev. 1:3).

For the third time the promise of Christ is repeated: Surely I am coming quickly!  Christ will come at a time when most will not be expecting Him.  They will be caught unprepared (Luke 21:34-36).  May it not be so for you my friend!

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