Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Romans 14:13-19

Two phrases at the end of v13 turn us towards the rest of our study.  We must resolve not to offend the one who is weak in faith.  This means we don’t offend him so that his spiritual growth is hindered (put a stumbling block).  Neither do we set up some situation in order to catch him in a trap (a cause to fall).  

Hear what the apostle says.  He sees no problem in having liberty to eat what is set before him.  But since there is no law that applies to him, likewise there is no law for the weak brother.  If that brother considers something unclean, then to him it is unclean regardless of how Paul sees it.  Given this fact, then, what principles does Paul give so as to renew our minds so that we put on Christ.

·        The principle of love, v15.  Paul returns to the cross of Christ to remind us to walk in love.  This brother is loved by Christ.  If I put a stumbling block then I destroy that brother.  The most basic command for Christians is to love one another as Christ loved us (John 13:34-35).  All the other principles in this passage in some way relate to love!
·        The principle of deference, v16.  Love will limit its freedom for the sake of those God has called us to serve (1 Cor. 8:9; Gal. 5:13; 1 Peter 2:16).  This is showing deference to another, not insisting on our own way.

·        The principle of kingdom priorities, v17.  Showing deference is possible when we understand that our differences in debatable matters are petty in light of the kingdom of God.  Our food preferences are not important in the fellowship.  What matters is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.
·        The principle of pleasing God, v18.  This word is identical to the term in both Rom. 12:1-2.  We desire to be a sacrifice acceptable to God.  We long to prove His good, acceptable and perfect will.  (Cf. 2 Cor. 5:9; Heb. 13:21.)  So this love for the weak brother pleases God!

·        The principle of a good reputation, v18.  It also pleases men.  People get tired of those who insist on their own way and who take advantage of those who are weak.  They will come to recognize and appreciate those who show deference.  Let us ask: do we need to care about being approved by men?  The answer is yes.  Jesus is the one who said that the world would know we are His people by our love for each other (Jn. 13:35).
·        The principle of peace, v19.  We saw earlier that with as much as lies in us we should seek to be at peace with all people (Rom. 12:18).  Peacemakers are called sons of God (Matt. 5:9) because they are being God-like.  To seek ourselves and have selfish ambition against others is demonic (James 3:15).

We will continue with this great opportunity to be renewed in our minds.  Let us present ourselves to God as living sacrifices.  As our minds are changed we will be transformed into the image of Christ.  Meditate on these things!  Ask the Lord to show you how these things fit into your Christian fellowship.

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