Saturday, December 5, 2015

Is Armageddon for real? (Revelation 16:12-16)

The first time we went to Israel we met up with a tour group from the US.  Seeing Israel in this setting is helpful; it made it easier in the times when we returned to have a better idea where we were and where we were going (not that this kept us from getting into a “situation” or two, being where we weren’t supposed to be.)  On the other hand we were bound to the group itinerary, or more precisely, the group leader’s itinerary AND commentary.

So we visited Jezreel (a valley in Israel, Hosea 2:22), Megiddo (the chief city throughout history on the southern side of Jezreel), Ha Emeq (what it is called today, simply, “The Valley”), or as we know it, Armageddon (lit. Mount of Megiddo, Rev. 16:16).  I was happy for this; it was high on my list.  But the commentary from our leader, which I overheard in a conversation with another member from our group, was a bit lacking.  The question was, “Is the final battle going to take place in that little valley?”  The answer was, “No.  That valley is symbolic of the final battle.  It’s not big enough for the armies of the earth to gather there.  And besides, we don’t fight ground wars anymore; it all takes place in the skies.”

Going “symbolic” is what we often do in passages that speak of something we can’t visualize.  Not to say that there is no symbolism in writings such as The Revelation.  But when the Scriptures go into detailed descriptions it seems wise to consider the possibility that what is being described is to be taken literally.

Jezreel Valley from Megiddo  with Mt. Tabor in the distance.
With respect to our leader’s comments, it should be noted that we are learning today, in the war with ISIS, that an aerial battle is insufficient to win.  We must, at some point, have boots on the ground.  The Valley of Jezreel is interesting in this regard.  There are 8 entrances into the valley, from all directions, allowing for the gathering of numerous armies.  Megiddo was the frequent location of battles between nations vying for control of the valley and the major highways that went in and out of it.  

As to the small size of the valley, here are some things to consider.  First, it is 150 square miles in size.  That is not large compared to some valleys, but on the other hand it is of sufficient size to handle several large armies.  It is quite possible.  Second, the reference in Revelation to this location is a fulfillment of the prophecy of Hosea 2:21-22.  

But most importantly, the promise of the Father to the Son (Psalm 2:7-9), to give the nations for Your inheritance, and that He would break them with a rod of iron, calls for just this type of event.  The kings of the earth and their armies will gather as the ultimate act of defiance against God (Psalm 2:1-3) who will then answer with His own King (Psalm 2:4-6), the Messiah, Son of David!  This place is not symbolic; it is necessary and very real! It is the battle of that great day of God Almighty!

Now, do you want some symbolism?  This very real place and event does symbolize for us the spiritual battle that is raging in creation.  We can call it Satan vs. God or evil vs. good or hell vs. heaven.  But it is a war with a pre-determined outcome.  The outcome was decided when Satan took his best shot at God by bringing about the death of His Son at Calvary.  The seeming victory of the wicked one became the complete victory of the Risen Lord three days later.  This left the Son in a waiting position at the right hand of His Father who said, “Sit at My right hand, till I make Your enemies Your footstool” (Psalm 110:1).  

I am announcing this victory today so that you might be encouraged to kiss the Son, as you would any victorious King; serve Him with fear; put your trust in Him (Psalm 2:10-12).  You need not fear the wrath to come.  Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.

1 comment:

svenpandas said...

thanks - love your enthusiasm for realism and TRUTH!
Hope you u\guys are doing well as you prepare to return there soon!
Could you send Ron Jr. address? - want to get something to you
in time before you depart...blessed to be on your prayer team! Kelly & John