Monday, July 20, 2015

Matthew 5:8; Mark 7:20-23

People generally tend to think that happiness is related to busy-ness.  And busy-ness generally means we are involved in a plethora of adventures.  We may be involved in family, work, a hobby, social endeavors, community programs, recreational activities, and on and on.  We seem to think that the eclectic life is the best but which often leads to much ado about nothing.

In this beatitude Jesus is not directly speaking of our activities but gets to the heart from which all this flurry of activity comes.  And we need to know that by pure He does not simply mean free of impurity or sin (as is referred to in Mark 7:20-23).  To be pure of heart is to be simple or single-hearted.  It is purity in the sense of being unmixed.  A. W. Pink notes that a 'pure heart' is one which has a pure Object before it, being attracted by 'the beauty of holiness'.  The truly happy are single in their heart for God.

This is fundamental for all mankind.  The greatest commandment gets at this very idea: we are to love God with ALL our heart, mind, soul and strength (Matt. 22:37).  It is why the double-minded are commanded to purify their hearts (James 4:8).  No one can serve to masters (Matt. 6:21).  And we can generally, after some time of trying, agree: the eclectic life that tries to have it all is not truly happy.  But the pure in heart will see God.  He will draw near to them (James 4:8).  They will know Him.

How does one develop this purity of heart?  It begins only when one has been born again.  To believe in Christ is to believe with the heart (Rom. 10:9-10).  The heart is the soil where the gospel is received and takes root (Luke 8:12,15).  This coming to Christ, setting one’s affection on Him, begins what Pink calls a “protracted process” whereby the heart is purified.  This process involves keeping God before you at all times.  David did this: I have set the Lord always before me (Ps. 84:8).  Peter commands us to Sanctify the Lord God in your heart (1 Peter 3:15; in other words, to set Him apart as Lord).  Paul calls us to have a heavenly mind-set (Col 3:1-4).  This singleness of heart is helped by …
·        Study and meditation on God in His Word (John 15:3; Heb. 4:12).
·        Prayer wherein we focus on God and ask Him for purity of heart (Psalm 51:10).
·        Obedience whereby we put off the lusts and pursue the kingdom of God and His righteousness (Matt. 6:33; 2 Tim. 2:22).

Do you believe it?  Happy are the pure in heart!

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