Saturday, November 15, 2014

When God Stirred Israel

(#18, Big Bear; Kelso; Yermo, Feb 1951; Imperial 1956)
Read 2 Chron. 15:1-16.

There is a cry that needs to be heard today, found in Psalm 85:6: "Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you."  The situation in Israel was reminiscent of today's church: cold (15:3), many unsaved (15:5), and the time being short.

Revival involves new life from God.  Here is how God brought this about in the reign of King Asa.

ƒ    He heard the words (v8).
A heeding of God's Word will bring about revival.  2 Kings 22 tells of the finding of the Book in the temple, and the reading of it resulted in revival (22:8-11).  In more recent times, the great awakening in England and the Puritan revivals have been times when God's Word was boldly proclaimed and obediently heard.

ƒ    He put away the idols (v8).
w   Ezekiel 14:3-5: idols are not always made of wood, but are in the heart..  Idols separate us from God.
w   Josh. 24:22-23:  idols hinder us from being God's witnesses.
w   1 Kings 18:21: the question is, "How long halt ye between two opinions"?
w   Gen. 35:1-3: idols must be put away before the altar can be established.

ƒ    He renewed the altar.
    1.  The altar of prayer must be renewed.  Every great awakening has been the result of prayer, from the Church's beginning (Acts 1:14) to the present.  It is easy to "get up" a revival because of the machinery and organization at hand.  But there is nothing more woeful than a "got up" revival.  He must pray for revival.
    2.  The home altar must be renewed.  The breaking down of the family altar has resulted in the breaking down of the spiritual life of the nation.

ƒ    They offered unto the Lord (v11).
As long as we say "no" to God there can come no blessing.

ƒ    They sought God with all their heart (v15).

The best way to start a revival is to draw a six foot circle & stand in the middle of it & pray the Lord to revive everything within the circle.

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