Monday, November 10, 2014

The Secret of Inward Peace

(#11, Yermo 1944)
 Read Phil. 4:6-7.

Worry is the most natural thing, and yet the most unnecessary thing in the world.
Worrying is sinful ... Heb. 11:6; Rom. 14:23.
Worrying is doubting three things about God...
    1.  His Love.
    2.  His Wisdom.
    3.  His Power.

The Cure for Worry!
ƒ    Negative: In nothing be anxious.  I.e. don't worry.  There should be no anxiety because the Christian has a heavenly Father.
Three reasons why worrying is foolish...
    1.  It does no good to the person or thing worried about.  Matt. 6:27.
    2.  We unfit ourselves for thinking effectively.
    3.  We annoy others.

ƒ    Positive:
w   Prayer.  The first step in overcoming worry is coming to God.  (I Pt 5:7)  Worrying is incompatible with a life of prayer.
w   Supplication.  Still there is no thought of asking God for something.  This involves confession of a need.  We must realize that we are helpless and cast our care on God.
w   With Thanksgiving.  Look back and consider all the mercies of God.  (Eph. 5:20).
w   Make requests known to God.  Tell Him your burdens.  This gets our eyes on God Who is our hope and our first defense.

The result of this is the peace of God that passes human knowledge and that guards our hearts and thoughts.  And why?  Because this cure has taken us to our Lord, and the Bible tells us that Christ himself is our peace!

Worry has whitened more hairs, filled more lives with misery, helped to fatten more doctor's purses and brought more people to an untimely grave than all the wars of the world.

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