Thursday, October 30, 2014

The Priority of the Sovereignty of God

(#1224, Imperial, c1968)

Read Exodus 20:3.
The Ten Commandments are not a basis for salvation for they were addressed to a redeemed people (Ex. 20:2).  They become relevant to us today when we understand that the Bible deals in principles applicable to every age (Rom. 15:4).  What God once said to Israel He is trying to break through into our modern situation.

Every man must have a God.
You may not call Him God but he is there.  Martin Luther once asked, "What means it to have a god?"  He answered his own question: Whatever thy heart clings to and relies upon, that is properly thy god.  The question is not whether we believe but in whom or what we believe.

The first commandment states, "Thou shalt have no other god before me."  It is a matter of priority.  As Elijah presented to Israel on Mount Carmel, "If the Lord is God follow Him, but if Baal, then follow him" (1 Kings 18:21).

Modern threats to the priority of God.
    1.  Individualism.  Pre-occupation with self.  It is the business and professional person who becomes absorbed with individual success.  He has no time for God.  It is the rebellion on our college campuses and among extremist groups.  It all centers in the exalted concept of self.
    2.  Nationalism.  "My country right or wrong."
    3.  Institutionalism.  This can involve religion: denominations or our particular church or mission agency can claim loyalty that belongs to God alone.
    4.  Materialism.  This is the insistence that comfort, pleasure and wealth are the highest goals of life.
    5.  Secularism.  This may involve technology or the Great Society.  These cannot take care of nor remedy any ills of society.

What are the real driving forces of your actions when you are free to act as you wish?  We need to evaluate those objectives to which we give the greatest thought, time, attention or priority.

Who or what is your God?

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