Monday, October 27, 2014

How We Should Study Our Bible (1)

(Radio, c.1947)
Read Psalm 119:105-112.

The Value of Bible Study
Did you ever hear a man say...I was an outcast, a wretched inebriate, a disgrace to my race, and a nuisance to the world, until I began to study mathematics and learned the multiplication table.  Since that time I have been happy as the day is long.
But thousands will tell you...I was wretched; I was lost; I was ruined, reckless, helpless, homeless, hopeless, until I heard of the words of the Bible.
Dr. Torrey says, There is nothing more important for the development of the Spiritual life of the Christian than regular systematic Bible study. The soul's proper food is found in one book, the Bible.

Why Study the Bible
ƒ   Because it is the world's greatest literary masterpiece.  It is the world's most wonderful book and the world's best seller.
ƒ   Because it is a treasure-house of truth.  The greatest treasures in the world are found in God's Word, and they are treasures, if once found, no one can take from us.
ƒ   Because it is the Guide-book of life.  We may compare life to a trip we are making, and in order to reach our destination we must follow the map which is the Word of God.
ƒ   Because it is a revelation from God.  In it we have revealed God, His attributes, and His will.  We cannot know God nor can we know Jesus as we ought to unless we read the Bible.
ƒ   Because it has stood the test.  Gibbon, Voltaire and Chesterfield strove, each in his own way, to destroy the influence of Christianity.  Yet, after Gibbon's death, in the house which he occupied on Lake Geneva, a Bible depository was established.  The printing-press that produced the infidel works of Voltaire before long was appropriated to the work of printing Bibles.  And the clubroom where Chesterfield's friends used to meet to encourage each other in hostility to the Bible became the vestry of a church where prayers of saints and penitent sinners were constantly heard.

This book contains the mind of God, the state of man, the way of salvation, the doom of sinners, and the happiness of believers.

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