Saturday, September 14, 2024

oRead Acts 5:1-11. 5:5,11: "great fear came upon all."

Lying Christians dropping dead and people being healed when someone's shadow passes nearby is not the norm for the Church nor is it the point here.  Rather for us there is presented an awesomeness about the people called "the Body of Christ."  What a marvelous thing to be called "the people of God", to be His family.  God will not always grant the Church high esteem from the world; the norm is to be persecuted (v17-18).  But He will fulfill His promises to His Church, granting them His presence (Mt. 28:19-20), power (Acts 1:8), provision (Phil. 4:19) and protection (Jn 16:33).  Count it all joy to belong to God's Church.


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