Thursday, September 5, 2024

oRead Acts 2:22-33. 2:22: "hear these words."

Peter is about to preach a marvelous sermon, a clear gospel.  He is filled with the Spirit.  The result is "they were cut to the heart" (v37).  But for this to happen there must not only be Spirit-led preaching; there must be Spirit-led hearing as well.  God did get their attention (2:5-13), but even then they were admonished to hear.  We must pray for a hearing as we pray for ourselves in teaching.  God will grant it as He did for Nehemiah who asked for a good hearing before the King (Neh. 1:11).  In ministry pray that you teach clearly; and pray that others hear accurately and without the blinding effect of Satan (2 Cor. 3;14).

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