Friday, September 13, 2024

oRead 4:23-37. 4:31: "they were all filled with the Holy Spirit."

I hope we do not sell short the significance of a Spirit-filled local Church.  What does it say about the importance of the body of Christ that upon release Peter and John first found their church family?  These people had denied self, not only to exalt Christ but also to honor each other.  With one accord they prayed (v24).  They had all things in common (v32).  It is not without good reason that the Lord moves Dr. Luke to relate these truths for out of this the apostles gave witness to the resurrection with great power (v33).  This is the unselfish church of Philippi (Phil. 2:1-4), the loving church of Thessalonica (1 Th. 4:9-10), and the open door church of Philadelphia (Rev. 3:7-13).

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