Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Matt. 26:21-35 (Mk. 14:18-31; Lk. 22:17-23, 31-34; Jn. 13:1-38)

The Gospels emphasize several things about the Passover meal.  Let us consider Jesus’ identification of His betrayer and prediction of Peter’s denial.

·        Jesus identifies His betrayer, 26:21-25.  Judas had agreed to betray Jesus at an opportune time for thirty pieces of silver (120 denarii or days wages; Matt. 26:14-16; Zech. 11:12).  Jesus was troubled in His spirit when He told the disciples that one would betray him (Jn. 13:21); even though Jesus knew from the beginning that Judas was not true, this was still burdensome.  John gives a more detailed account of how Jesus identified Judas (Jn. 13:22-30).  The disciples were all concerned, is it I?  People today often think Judas had more motivation than just the money.  They assume he was disappointed in Jesus’ approach or that he was trying to force Jesus’ hand to lead a rebellion against Rome.  But we are not told that Judas was a Zealot, as was the lesser Simon (Lk. 6:15).  All we are told is that Judas had a lust for money.  It appears that Judas left the room after this exchange with Jesus (Jn. 13:20) after which the Synoptics indicate that Jesus established the memorial with the bread and cup.

·        Jesus predicts Peter’s denials, 26:31-35.  This passage begins with a general warning to all the disciples; their offense (Grk. skandalizo) was predicted (Zech. 13:7).  Peter is singled out because he raises the objection, although he is also singled out because Jesus knew what would happen. 
It is important to study these sins of betrayal and denial.  They are similar, but the sins and the sinners involved are quite different.  Consider:


Unfaithfulness; joining the enemy.
What was the sin?
Unfaithfulness; disowning your Savior.
NO (John 13:10-11,20)
Were they saved?
YES: Jn. 13:37; 21
What did Satan do?
SIFTED, Lk. 22:31
Regretted, Mt. 27:3-5
How did the sinner change?
Repented, Lk. 22:31
Doomed to destruction, Jn. 17:12
What is their eternal state?
Christ prayed for Peter, Lk. 22:31
Complete denial
Matthew 10:33
Temporary denial
The interaction with Jesus provided Judas and Peter with a warning and opportunity to act differently.  Judas’ suicide and Peter’s presence during the trials showed that while both were sinners, there was a difference in heart.  Let us hear and heed.  Our eternity does not depend on our perfection but on the perfection of Christ.  It also depends on our willingness to accept, by faith, the forgiveness He provided through His sacrifice.  Have you denied Christ?  Grieve, confess and repent; and then go on with Him, unashamed of Him.

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