Sunday, October 16, 2016

Psalm 113

Here is a wonderful, short and symmetrical (three stanzas with six lines each, and a call to praise the LORD at the beginning and end) Psalm that involves a great call to praise.  It is the first of the Hillel Psalms, Psalms 113-118 which were read at various feasts but were especially fit for Passover (according to Spurgeon in his introduction to Psalm 113).  Passover, of course, annually celebrated God’s deliverance of His people from Egypt, an event (and series of events) that could fit well the theme of praise in Psalm 113.

·        113:1-3: The servants of the LORD are called to praise Him always (from this time and forevermore) and everywhere (from the rising of the sun to its going down).  What reason is there for such praise?

·        113:4-6: Our motivation is, as always, the character and goodness of the LORD.  There is no one like Him in the way that He, the One who is high above all nations and Whose glory is above the heavens, the way that He humbles Himself to behold what is going on in the heavens and earth.  Yes, He must humble Himself to observe the goings on in heaven; He looks down upon them.  So how much greater our praise wen He also pays attention to what happens on earth and cares for people there.  Do we have any examples of God doing this?  Yes!

·        113:7-9: He takes the weakest on earth, the poor and needy, and He raises them to sit with princes.  And He blesses the barren woman by granting her a home and joy like that of a mother.  Likely the writer has specific situations in mind as we generally assume that the Psalms come from the experiences of the composers.  As we noted, the desire to remember the deliverance of the enslaved people of Israel from Egypt makes this a great Hymn.

Is there actually any person who cannot give a hearty AMEN to this Psalm?  Who has experienced any blessing or privilege or encouragement that should not stop and praise the LORD for bending down from His exalted position to bless the poor and needy?  This Psalm is about the grace of God.  It is a reminder that, at all times and in every situation, any goodness we experience is from the hand of the LORD Most High who, unlike any other god has humbled Himself so as to pay attention to those He has made!

Let us make this day a great day of praise.  With our lips, and with our life, let us PRAISE THE LORD!

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