Tuesday, June 21, 2016

1 Corinthians 11:23-34

Let us consider the teaching of the Lord, through Paul, concerning the Lord’s Table.

·        Emphasis on the PAST.
It is common to note the past, present and future emphasis of the Lord’s Table.  Without question the primary emphasis is on the past.  It is a focus on the death of Christ when He shed His blood as an atoning sacrifice.  We partake of His broken body, not of course in the sense that His bones were broken on the cross; they were not (John 19:31-37).  Rather He is broken as the bread which He had just broken; He is the Bread of Life and we partake of Him when we put our faith in Him.  We love the way, in Ukraine, that the Elders and Deacons gather around the table of the Lord and break up the loaf of bread before the congregation.  It symbolizes what Christ is to us!

Then Christ said, this cup is the new covenant in My blood.  The Old Testament prophets had promised the outpouring of the Spirit (Isa. 59:21; Joel 2:28-29; Ezek. 39:29; Zech. 12:10).  But for the Holy Spirit to be poured out on God’s people there had to be an actual solution for sin.  The Spirit cannot dwell in an unholy temple.  So in Jeremiah’s prophecy of the New Covenant (Jer. 31:31-34) he added, For I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin I will remember no more.  The righteous in Israel hoped for this, expressing faith that, in the future, God would keep His word.  Believers on this side of the cross do not hope for this; they believe that God has, in fact, kept His word.  He has done in Christ what He promised to do so that the blessings of the New Covenant could come, first on the Jews, and then on the Gentiles (as recorded in Acts).  Christ is the Mediator of the New Covenant by means of His death (Heb. 9:15).

·        Emphasis on the PRESENT.  The Lord’s Table is a proclamation of the gospel and particularly a reminder of the Lord’s death and all that it means.  It is for believers; we are the ones who need the constant reminder.  We are to do this as often as we will.  It is a blessed observance among Christians even apart from the official celebrations of the local church.

·        Emphasis on the FUTURE.  We are to continue to do this until He comes.  And it is interesting that when we are together with Him in the Kingdom we will enjoy this meal with Him (Luke 22:16,18).

Because of the significance of this event the passage closes with solemn encouragements and warnings.  We must enter in to this with self-examination concerning the issues mentioned in our previous study (a right relationship with God and with our brothers and sisters).  And we must do this: it is commanded (v24-25).  But we must do this in love for each other.  Being in Christ is the one thing all believers have in common.  It should show at His Table.

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