Saturday, June 13, 2015

Clay in the Potters Hand

(#201, Big Bear/Hinkley/Yermo 1951; Imperial 1955,1965)
 Read Jeremiah 18:1-10.

Jeremiah was sent to the potters house to hear the Word of the Lord (v2).  God wanted him to listen before he spoke, and He spoke through one of life's common things: a potters wheel.

ƒ    The work on the vessel, v3-4.  First, the vessel was made and marred.  So God created man but sin has come in to mar God's work.  We are all marred vessels.  In v4 the potter remakes the vessel as it seemed good.  So the Potter, Who has power to make the vessel as it pleases Him (Rom. 9:20f), has made believers to be new creatures in Christ (2 Cor. 5:17).  Thus, as with the vessel in Jeremiah's time, so we are vessels of honor, fit for the Master's use (2 Tim. 2:20f).

ƒ    The potter's house and the wheel, v3.  The potter's house is the place that we spend our lives.  The potter's wheel is the circumstances the Potter uses to shape our lives.  These circumstances are the testings, the trials, the chastenings. It is not always pleasant being shaped but it is very necessary if we are to conform to God's plan.

ƒ    The clay. The clay is of utmost importance to the potter.  Clay is unusable if it is...
    1.  Frozen.  Some of us are stiff, proud, haughty.
    2.  Thin.  As in the parable of the sower (Matt. 13:19-21).
    3.  Rocky.  Some "rocks" that make it difficult for God's work to be done are selfishness, gossip, unforgiveness.
Clay must be pliable to be usable.
Have Thine own way Lord, Have Thine own way.
Thou are the Potter, I am the clay.
Mold me and make me after Thy will,
While I am waiting yielded and still.

Finally, think about the Potter and the hands that are molding our lives.  They are blood stained hands.  They are tender hands that will not let us be tempted above that we are able to stand.  Think of His love as he patiently works over us.   And He is making us to possess this treasure of Christ that we have in earthen vessels (2 Cor. 4:6-7).

Because God is the Potter we can submit willingly.

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