Thursday, February 26, 2015

Romans 1:21-23

The verdict that they are without excuse (v20) is based on two truths.
1.      Men had access to truth about God.  This was shown in 1:18-20.
2.      Men have rejected this truth.  That is explained in today’s passage.

There is a 7-step regression away from God that is laid out here.  (You can see it in a simple diagram form on the back cover of this booklet.)  It is a definite, purposeful movement away from the truth.  Let us consider the downward steps.
·        They knew God.  It begins with man knowing God through creation.  One can imagine this at the beginning of creation.  But I am not so sure that this also applies to every civilization and society.  Even a child might easily know God in this sense of seeing a Creator in nature.  It is common sense.  We actually have to work to reject the idea and conclude that something came from nothing.
·        They did not glorify Him as God.  Though creation cries out the glory of the Creator men do not acknowledge Him as God.  They deny His involvement.
·        They were not thankful. Men benefit from creation.  But they do not seek out the Creator so that they might acknowledge His goodness.  Instead they seek to explain the benefits in purely natural terms.
·        They became futile in their thoughts.  Their thinking becomes empty.  Men have not glorified or thanked God.  They have emptied their minds of the truth they knew.  They explain the existence of the stars and mountains and flowers without the Creator.  And this explanation is empty, devoid of truth.  God’s assessment is that we live an empty way of life (1 Peter 1:18), that we should turn from worthless things (Acts 14:15), no longer living in the futility of our thinking (Eph. 4:17).
·        Their foolish hearts were darkened.  The heart refers to the seat of our affections, our desires, our motivations.  Out of the heart we live.  The mind is always the channel to the heart.  So empty thoughts lead to dark hearts.
·        Professing to be wise they became fools.  Claiming to be wise as they seek to explain creation apart from a Creator, men in fact become fools.  The ultimate foolishness is to say in your heart, There is no God (Psalm 14:1).
·        They exchange the creature for the Creator.  To conclude that there is no God is eventually a thought that man cannot endure.  Something within man (in fact the Creator put it there, Gen. 1:26-28) cries out that there is more to life than what meets the eye.  Further, men cannot live without some kind of higher power.  Without it life and civilization and society are chaotic.  But since man will not acknowledge and submit to the Creator he must then become his own god (into an image made like corruptible man) or else, as is evident worldwide, he worships creatures (birds, four-footed animals and creeping things).

Don’t miss Paul’s reference to God.  In creation men can see that there is a Creator, one who is the First Cause for which there is no other cause.  Thus it makes sense to refer to Him as the incorruptible God.  He is the One with life in Himself.  On the other hand, man is always dying.  Always, without exception, man is corruptible.  Yet it’s that corruptible man who has decided there is no incorruptible God.  How arrogant!  If God is defined as the One to whom you give glory, and that you thank for life’s blessings, let us ask honestly: Who is our God?  Who is my God?

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