Sunday, February 15, 2015

Ezekiel 40

Continuing with Ezekiel, the prophet who painted some rather graphic pictures in order to communicate God’s truth, we now come to Ezekiel 40-48.  And again Ezekiel paints a picture, linked to many other prophecies in the Old Testament, but unique in its precise detail.  What is described in such detail is a temple, one that we believe is clearly the one in existence during the millennial reign. 

When we say it is unique in its detail we mean in describing the millennial temple.  It is quite like the detail descriptions given by Moses of the tabernacle and Solomon of the temple.  But the description here is of a temple yet future.  And in today’s passage we have begun to see the detail in the description of the gates to the outer and inner courts of the temple.

Many people are surprised to find such a temple in existence in the reign of the Messiah.  They wonder why there is still need for what was a “shadow of things to come”.  In tomorrow’s study we will share reasons for believing this temple is that of the Kingdom of Messiah.  But for now be sure that you remember: Ezekiel is not alone among the prophets in predicting a Kingdom temple.  

Consider the following representative passages: Micah 4:1-3; Zechariah 1:16; 6:12-13; 14:16-21; Isa. 56:7; Ezek. 37:26.  The Messiah will build a temple.  Jerusalem will be the center of true worship as well as the seat of governmental authority.

Here is a list of subjects covered in these nine chapters.
Outline of Ezekiel 40-48:
·        Ch 40: around the temple
·        Ch 41: the temple
·        Ch 42: the priests chambers
·        Ch 43: the altar
·        Ch 44: the priesthood
·        Ch 45: the holy district, feasts
·        Ch 46: the worship
·        Ch 47: the healing waters, borders
·        Ch 48: the division of the land

The daily reading involves around fifty verses.  We will consider some topical questions (which temple is being described? What method of interpretation are we to use in these chapters?) and will make devotional comments concerning certain points in the reading.

With gladness we will lean heavily on the writings of Charles Lee Feinberg, a Jewish believer and a scholar.  His book (The Prophecy of Ezekiel) is noted in the bibliography at the end of these studies.  Let us rejoice in the reality of the Messianic Kingdom where worship on earth will be at its most Christ-exalting!

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