Sunday, October 13, 2024

Psalm 19


This Psalm is another truly classic “Psalm of the Word”.  It speaks to us of God’s revelation of Himself.

God has revealed Himself in Creation (v1-6).  In theology this is called general revelation.  It is God’s revelation to all men, speaking generally of God’s reality and character.  (Rom. 1:18-32 explains this message and man’s responsibility in light of creation’s truth.)  We are told that creation reveals God’s glory, giving a visible footprint of the invisible God.  This revelation is available to all men, 24 hours a day, in every part of the world.  Man’s greatest danger is that he would turn from the Creator and worship creation (Rom. 1:22-25).  We ought to avail ourselves of the study and enjoyment of creation, but we need to know more about God.  Creation does not provide us with knowledge of salvation; it only leaves us without excuse in our sin (Rom. 1:20). Creation also speaks of God's goodness. Thus I believe that creation tells us we should look to the Creator in hope for a solution to our guilt.

God has revealed Himself in Scripture (v7-11).  This is His special revelation in that it reveals specific truth about God and what He expects of His creation.  Special revelation reveals God’s plan of salvation through the death and resurrection of Christ.  It is special also in that it requires the Holy Spirit’s ministry to understand it (1 Cor. 2:4-16).  Special revelation is the content of the Bible.

Let us not miss the marvelous things Scripture can do for those who delight in it.  It …

·       7: converts the soul and makes the simple to be wise.

·       8: brings joy to the heart and enlightenment to the eyes.

·       9: endures forever in complete truth and righteousness.

·       10: is both valuable and satisfying.

·       11: warns of the dangers of disobedience and encourages us with the rewards of obedience.

These are not just poetic devices.  The word of God has great power in the life of the one who devotes himself to it.  It can do for us what wealth, friends and pleasure cannot do.

The closing verses speak of another revelation (v12-14).  Having seen God in Creation and Scripture the writer asks God to reveal his sinfulness to him so that his words and thoughts might be pleasing to God.  This is the only proper response when we have seen God in His general and special revelations.  Perhaps you will want to make this your prayer of response today, and often, as you reflect on God’s truth.

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