Wednesday, October 16, 2024

oDay 21, Read Acts 14:21-28. 14:23: "They commended them to the Lord."

Appointing elders is, in a sense, the easy part.  Being elders is impossible.  This chapter alone is evidence of the special attack by Satan on those who are recognized as leaders and spokesmen in the church.  So Paul commended them to the Lord.  But this was no mere ritualistic ordination ceremony.  It was preceded by prayer and fasting.  Paul knew the need of being commended to the grace of God (v26) so that the work might be completed.  Why, among our so-called "lay elders" are there not more Stephen's and Philip's (Ac. 6:5,8; 8:5)?  Why do so many fail to endure?  Perhaps our "ordination" has lacked in prayer and fasting.

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