Friday, May 19, 2023

Isaiah 55, What do ya’ know: The Bible is God’s Word (3)

2)    The results of Inspiration

a)    Inerrancy: The Bible is without error (in every part and in its entirety) in the original writings.  We need to understand that “inerrancy” is built, not on the fact that we have a full understanding of the Bible and have confirmed the truth of statement.  It is not that the archaeologists and historians and scientists have confirmed that all is true and we can read it with confidence.  This doctrine is based on the fact that it is the Word of an omniscient God.  Because God Himself is perfect, His word and words must also be perfect.  Perhaps you are thinking that we must have our heads in the sand.  Many have pointed out seeming error in Scripture, errors in numbers or in geography or in the order of events.  We cannot go into detail here but let us note a few thoughts:

i)      Many supposed errors have highly probable solutions.

ii)   For others, we can say the evidence is not all in on the subject.  Reading a good book on the archaeology of the Bible will reveal this, that supposed errors 50 or 100 years ago have been found to be baseless after further study.

iii)            Many supposed errors arise because of the false philosophies of the Bible’s critics.  In my view, denial of evidence for the Exodus these days is due to where many scholars come from spiritually.

iv) Others offer great division on the part of the critics.  Not all agree with supposed errors.

b)    Infallibility: The Bible cannot fail to accomplish its purpose.  Whether we are talking about specific prophecies of future events, or the eventual outcome of our spiritual choices, what the Bible says will happen must happen (pride really does go before a fall, Prov. 16:18).  And when the Bible says that it is essential to your salvation (Rom. 1:16-17; 10:14-17; 2 Tim. 3:14-15), you should know that you cannot be saved apart from the Word of God.

c)    Authority: The Bible is the final word on faith (doctrine: what we believe) and life (practice: what we do).  The truth about the universe cannot be determined without an understanding of the Bible.  The truth about every lifestyle issue we will ever face cannot be found apart from the Bible.  Again, we are not saying that the Bible has authority on the things it talks about.  We are saying the Bible has authority on every thought and action we have.  Do you know why 3 + 3 = 6?  Read Gen. 1.  Do you know why a life immersed in a screen is problematical?  Read Col. 3:1-4.  The Bible is an ancient Book and is as relevant today as ever.

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