Thursday, February 16, 2023

John 6:15-21, Seeing Jesus in Israel Today (2)

Yesterday’s wanderings included Migdal, Capernaum and the “cruise” on the Sea of Galilee.  One of the “traditions” we have is to read John 6 in the Synagogue at Capernaum. 

It is always interesting to me the scope of the “geography of Jesus.”  We know that His earthly time was somewhat limited to Israel, a small country the size of New Jersey.  But within Israel His travels primarily involved the area from Jerusalem to the Sea of Galilee, as far west as Nazareth, to the eastern side of Galilee (though not far from the lake), and we have one trip as far north as Mt. Hermon and the region of Tyre and Sidon.  We don’t know that He was ever in the Negev, along the Dead Sea, or anywhere along the Coastal Plain.

Then, as far as the Sea of Galilee is concerned, while we don’t always have specific landing spots, it appears His sailings were limited to the very northern part.  On one occasion He sailed from Capernaum to Bethsaida.  In Mark 5 He had sailed from Capernaum to Gergasa, then perhaps to Magdala (or to Capernaum). 

We are just saying that Jesus had a specific target area.  His ministry involved the Galilee (Isa. 9:1-2) and Jerusalem.  It was for His disciples (including us) to take the gospel of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8; Mt. 28:19-20).  Let us be faithful to the Great Commission.

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