Sunday, February 19, 2023

Gen. 21:8-21, God Loves the Outcast

Modern day Beersheba from Tel Beersheba

As we have been travelling around Israel we have had several from our group share from God’s Word.  Pastor Joe from Billings has shared a devotional thought each morning, usually reading a passage related to one of our stops for the day.  Then two of my sons shared messages at worship services on the Lord’s Day and another friend shared with us on the Sea of Galilee.  In the next three blogs I want to share with you a synopsis of what they shared along with some photos.

Sunday Feb. 12 Steve Youde shared God’s word at Beersheba.  While he was permitted to share anything the Lord laid on his heart, I assumed he would tie it to where we were at the time and such was the case.  He talked about “outcasts” and how much God loved them.  His prime illustration was Hagar, who is one of the greatest illustrations of an “outcast” in the Bible (Gal. 4:21-31).  Though she was cast out with the approval of God, she was also deeply loved by God as Gen. 16 and today’s passage make clear.

Steve also shared from a passage that I know to be very important to him, the story of the Prodigal Son from Luke 15.  He had referred to this story in his devotional to his family this past Christmas and I have heard him refer to is on other occasions.  He reminded us that God, as pictured in the father of the prodigal, not only loved the rebellious younger son; He also loved the arrogant older son and invited him to the celebration. 

There is an issue for us here.  In what is often a “politically” driven mentality in our society we tend to “cast people out” because of their terrible politics.  We need to remember God’s love for the outcast because we are called to be holy as our Father in heaven is holy!  And lest we forget, we were all outcasts from birth.

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