Thursday, January 26, 2023

Heb. 9:1-22, The Weak High Priest

We were created by God to have fellowship with Him.  But we are sinners, in rebellion against God.  If we are going to have a relationship with our Creator as He intended, we need a High Priest, an effective High Priest.  This Priest must be acceptable to the Creator and able to do what is necessary to make a way for us.

We need a High Priest who has the following: 1) an agreement with God by which He will agree to meet and dwell with sinners; 2) a temple where God could meet and dwell with sinners; 3) sacrifices to perform that would satisfy God’s righteousness as He was in the presence of sinners; and 4) a mediator or “testator” through whom the covenant could be enacted.

What did Aaron have as High Priest?  First, he worked under an “old covenant” (8:7-9), one where the people repeatedly failed to keep their part of the agreement.  Second, he had a temple, described in 9:1-5.  Initially it was a tent which could be moved with the people before they entered the land.  Then Solomon built a temple, and later a second temple was built.  All were similar, having two rooms, front and back. In front was a lampstand, a table with bread and an altar for burning incense.  In the back was the “ark of the covenant” with the gold covering.

Third, Aaron performed the sacrifices, particularly on the Day of Atonement (9:6-10).  There were daily sacrifices in the morning and evening.  Then on Yom Kippur there was a series of sacrifices, first for the priest and then for the people, by which Aaron made atonement for the nation.  Fourth, Moses was the mediator, the one through whom the “old covenant” was given (9:18-22).

We agree with the writer of Hebrews, that “of these things we cannot now speak in detail” (9:5).  If we could we would show how every aspect of the Tabernacle and the two temples pointed to the Savior who was to come.  For example …

·       Jesus is the “Light of the world” (the menorah or lampstand).

·       Jesus is the “Bread of Life” (the table with the bread).

·       Jesus offered a prayer of intercession for His followers (John 17; the incense symbolizes the priestly intercession rising up before God).

·       Jesus was “God with us” (the ark and mercy seat where God dwelt with Israel).

But this is what is said in 9:9: “it was symbolic for the present time.”  What Aaron did could not “make him who performed the service perfect in regard to the conscience.”  This points out the weakness in Aaron’s ministry.  It had to be performed every day (the morning and evening sacrifices) and every year (the Day of Atonement).  It was wrapped up in external or “fleshly” things, like food and washings (9:10).  The question is, do we now have a High Priest who has a better covenant, temple and ministry and a better Mediator?

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