Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Leviticus 20, Laws of Holiness (3) (19: Various Laws)

Chapter 18 is more negative (by which I mean giving “prohibitions”) while Ch. 19 is more positive (giving encouragements). Not that there are no prohibitions in Ch. 19; there are many, but even those have embodied the wider positive truth to be followed.  Here is a listing of the laws in this chapter; we will follow it with a list of encouragements in the chapter.

·       19:2: The reason for the laws: that we will be holy!

·       v4: Prohibits idolatry, graven images.

·       v11-13: Concerns over other people’s property.

·       v14: Prohibits being unkind to the physically handicapped.

·       v15: Prohibits respect of persons in judgment (bias, prejudice).

·       v16: Prohibits tail-bearing (gossip).

·       v17-18: Prohibits hatred and grudges.

·       v20: Prohibits immorality.

·       v28: Prohibits tattooing.

·       v30: Requires respect on the Lord’s Day and in His house.

·       v32: Requires respect for the aged.

·       v33-34: Requires kindness for strangers (non-Israelites).

·       v35-37: Requires honesty in business.

Now, the encouragements:

·       v3: Respect parents; honor Sabbaths.

·       v5-8: Fellowship offerings are to be done right.

·       v9-10: Leave the corners of fields, etc., for the poor.

·       v15: Fear God.

·       v15: Judge your neighbor fairly.

·       v17: Rebuke your neighbor frankly.

·       v18: Love your neighbor as yourself.  Yes, this law, again, tucked away in Leviticus, is what Jesus said was the second greatest command.

·       v23-25: Care for fruit trees in the new land.

·       v30: Honor Sabbaths and the Sanctuary.

·       v32: Show respect for the elderly, fear God.

·       v33-34: Love aliens/strangers.  Foreigners were to be welcomed into the land.  But (20:2) not to introduce false religion.  Being in the land meant living by the laws and customs of the land, which in Israel, were all given to them by God.

·       v35-36: Use honest scales.

The summary for all of this is: I AM THE LORD (v37).  As J. Vernon McGee used to say, “when you create a universe, you can make the rules.”

1 comment:

svenpandas said...

Loved how this chimes in with accepting 75 Afghanies into Mssla
19:33-34: Love aliens/strangers. Foreigners were to be welcomed into the land. But (20:2) not to introduce false religion. Being in the land meant living by the laws and customs of the land, which in Israel, were all given to them by God.