Monday, February 22, 2021

Romans 13:8-14, Christians Have Obligations

Here is another study from Scripture that relates to the matter of our “freedom” in Christ.  Before we proceed I want to remind you that freedom from sin means we are enslaved to a loving and good Master (Rom. 6:22).  And, Galatians tells us not to use liberty as an opportunity for satisfying the lusts of the flesh.  The key is “love.”  Remember that as you consider this: Christians still have obligations.  Every one of these obligations is an obligation based in love!

1.    Rom. 8:13: Our only obligation is “love.”  “Owe” is the Greek opheilo, which is simply the acknowledgement of a debt.  This family of words is present in each of the passages in this list.  We are indebted or obligated.

2.    John 13:14: We are obligated (we ought to) wash the feet of our brothers and sisters, an obligation of humble love.

3.    Rom. 1:14: Paul was a debtor to the unsaved.  Why would we not consider ourselves indebted to the unsaved around us?  What is more an expression of love for our neighbor than to pray for and seek after his salvation.

4.    Rom. 8:12: We are not debtors to the flesh but to the Spirit.  This is, of course, the message of Galatians.

5.    Rom. 15:1: The strong “ought to” bear with the weaknesses of those around us.  Is this not how God has loved us?

6.    1 Cor. 7:3; Eph. 5:28: Husbands and wives have obligations in their relationship.  Now this might not seem very “romantic” but it is a fact.  They are to “render” to each other what is due or is their obligation.  A husband “ought to” love his wife as his own body.

7.    2 Cor. 12:14: Paul says that parents “ought to” lay up for their children.  This is a parental responsibility.  But of course, in the context, he is speaking of his relationship with the Corinthian Church.  As one used of the Lord to establish this church, he knew he had the obligation of a parent for his children.  Ministry is almost never “one and done.”  It is a long term relationship.

8.    2 Thess. 1:3: Here we are “bound” or obligated to express our thanks to God for those who are a blessing to us.  We sense this when we are seeing God’s work in others and are not being wrapped up in our own accomplishments.

9.    1 John 2:6: If you claim to have an abiding relationship with Christ, then you are obligated to walk as He walked.

10.           1 John 3:16: Christ laid down His love for us.  Thus we “ought” to lay down our lives for the brethren.

11.           3 John 1:8: This is so practical.  We are obligated to care for missionaries and other servants of the Lord whose daily needs are supplied by God’s people.

Again, consider these things in the context of the call to serve one another through love.  This is what happens when we walk in the Spirit!

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