Friday, December 11, 2020

Psalm 96, In Light of the Names of God (1)

We recently concluded a study of the names of God in the OT.  We have studied this Psalm in the past, but today we want to meditate on it paying attention to those names and titles we learned.  I do want to say, before we start, that I do not believe we have to substitute the Hebrew names as we read.  In other words, to learn from God’s word, I do not need to know Hebrew, or Greek, for that matter.  On the other hand, we always are aware that every word of God’s Word is inspired, and used precisely.  So, it is good if, as we read, that we pay attention.

·       96:1-3: What a wonderful call to praise.  It is a call to praise the LORD, YAHWEH, the God of Israel, and to bless His name!  The saints experience HIS salvation and are to proclaim that from day to day.  They are to declare HIS glory among the nations and HIS wonders.  Why such great praise?

·       96:4-6: Because YAHWEH is great and greatly to be praised; He is to be feared above all elohim.  What, we should ask, is wrong with these “gods?”  They are called elohim, mighty ones.  The problem is that they are ‘eliyl, idols.  The word means “of nought, good for nothing, worthless.”  The only sense in which they are ”mighty ones” is according to the might attributed to them by the people who made them.  Isaiah used this term in Isa. 2:8: Their land is also full of idols; they worship the work of their own hands, that which their own fingers have made.  On the other hand, YAHWEH made the heavens!  Thus honor, majesty, strength and beauty can all be attributed to Him.  Truly He is greatly to be praised!

·       96:7-9: Therefore, we are to ascribe to YAHWEH the glory that is properly associated with His name.  We should not come into His presence without an offering.  Our offering, as those who are in Christ, is the offering of the risen Christ who gave Himself for us.  We cannot come into God’s presence apart from Christ (Jn. 14:6).  And when we come into His presence, it should be to worship Him in the beauty of holiness.  This word for “beauty” is used only five times in the OT.  Four times it is in this phrase: literally “adorned with holiness/ those set apart for Him.”  We do not enter with the dirt and filth that is common to this world; but we come, having put on the Lord Jesus Christ (Rom. 13:14), and as those who walk in the light.  Amen!

·       96:10-12: What was Israel to tell the nations?  First, YAHWEH reigns!  Second, since He is the Creator, the world will not be moved.  Third, He will judge the people of earth with righteousness.  And then, we should call them to join the rest of creation in joyful submission to Him. 

Paul spoke similar words to the Athenians on Mars Hill in Acts 17:22-31.  Read it and see, that this Psalm is for us.  Jesus is the Creator, the righteous Judge, the resurrected LORD!

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