Sunday, December 20, 2020

Psalm 140

Let us briefly consider this Psalm which has a tremendous message for us today given the ascendency of the wicked to places of great power.

·       140:1-5: The nature of the proud.  Note that David’s enemies were not always kings with armies.  As with us, he was often attacked by people with warring words and with schemes to make him stumble (discredit him) or get him off the narrow path where they could catch him in a trap.

·       140:6-8: The nature of the God in whom David trusts.  God IS the strength of David’s salvation; God HAS sheltered David in the past.  This encourages David’s faith.  David’s concern is that if the wicked succeed then they will be exalted rather than God.  That is an issue that is important enough for what follows.

·       140:9-11: The imprecations of David’s prayer.  This may sound a bit over the top.  Perhaps you would think that today we should pray for their salvation.  We should, certainly.  But we should also pray that they will be absolutely frustrated in their plans, because their success denies the glory of God.  So David’s prayer is correct for us as well!

·       140:12-13: The confidence of David’s prayer.  Not only is God’s glory at stake; God’s faithfulness to the humble is at stake.  Since David knows God’s heart he is emboldened in this prayer.  The righteous tend to be on the short end of earthly power, given the god of this age.  But God exalts the humble and desires their presence forever.

Let us not deal with the deceitful, powerful people of our day by complaining about politics and politicians.  Let us rather come before God lest they be exalted.

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