Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Read Psalm 130

We are thinking about deep trials created or intensified by our sinful choices.  Forgiveness has been provided.  Let us consider...

A. The Pilgrim's plan for deep trials, v5-6.

The plan is wrapped up in one word: wait.  This is not a very popular piece of advice.  This is not the wait of laziness or disobedience.  This is the wait of someone who has no other dependence.  Remember when the children of Israel were backed up to the Red Sea in Ex. 14.  They were no match for the Egyptian army; they could not get across the sea.  God's word was: stand still and see what I will do for you.  In other words: wait.  How can the pilgrim wait?  Perhaps it helps to remember the following:

ŸThe object of the waiting: wait for the Lord.

The pilgrim waits for the Lord, Creator of heaven and earth.

ŸThe subject of the waiting: my soul waits.

Deep trials require deep faith.  It's not a surface waiting but the wait that sees the release of our inner burdens.  It is not wait and worry but rather the wait for God to work.

ŸThe nature of the waiting: hope in His word.

The Word speaks of our God and His faithful provision in time past.  By the word the soul is encouraged to wait.

ŸThe intensity of the waiting: as the watchman.

The enemy is out there.  Darkness seems to give him an advantage so our heart hopes for morning.  Remember the ultimate morning which is the dawn of the return of Christ.  Sometimes our trial stays with us until this life ends but the pilgrim knows that his enemies cannot touch him in the life to come.

B. The Pilgrim's platform, v7-8.

How can we be assured of forgiveness?  How can we be assured of the coming morning?  Assurance is based in God's mercy and work of redemption.  Mercy is God's compassion that sees our deep need and is moved to meet that need.  God is righteous; but it is equally true and wonderful that He is merciful. 

Redemption speaks of God's provision for guilt.  It tells us that God himself has come to earth, in the person of Jesus Christ, to pay the price for our sin and guilt.  The forgiveness for our guilt (v3-4) is truly provided by God Himself through the death of Christ on the cross.  There He took our sin and satisfied God's just demand by His blood.  Thus we see that God can forgive our sin because the guilt has been taken into account. 

To wait on a God like that makes perfect sense.

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