Saturday, May 30, 2020

Read Psalm 129

Let us again consider this wonderful Song that sustains the pilgrim along his way.  We can be thankful that our lifelong afflictions have not overcome us.  They can work for our good, but only if we trust the Creator of Heaven and Earth.  But let us now ask, What good can the pilgrim expect to see from his afflictions?

ŸTrials are for our SAFETY.

Without trials we would never turn to God, and thus we would never have that holy discontent with Meshech (Ps. 120) so essential for the pilgrim in his journey to God.  As one has said, God is said to choose His people in the furnace, because they oftenest choose Him there.

ŸTrials enable us to know GOD.

It is only in affliction that God is sought, so by many it is only in affliction God is known.  We only know God as deliverer if we have been in trouble and experienced His deliverance.

ŸTrials enable us to know OURSELVES.

We will think of ourselves as quite self-sufficient for life unless we be found in situations where our strength is exhausted.  It is only when they are crushed as the worm they are made to feel that the dust is their source; only when earthly props are withdrawn will they take hold of that arm of omnipotence that Jesus offers, and which He has offered so long in vain.

ŸTrials enable us to know OUR SIN.

Not only do we know our weaknesses of personality or strength, we also come to see our sin and our need of a Savior.  Nothing so effectively teaches this than our responses to trials.

ŸTrials enable the world to know GOD.

It is further that the world comes to know God by seeing the pilgrim in his affliction.  As the pilgrim comes to grips with God's righteousness and experiences the Creator's comfort in trial, it is then that the world sees God at work and wonders about the pilgrim's hope (1 Peter 3:15).

So in the face of trial, let the prayer of vs. 5-8 be yours.  The Psalmist prays that these trials (he calls them enemies) will...

þ Lose their integrity (v5, be put to shame, be seen as nothing compared to the Creator's provision).

þ Lose their effectiveness (v6-7a, like the grass growing on the housetops in the shallow dirt, insufficient for harvest).

þ Lose their supporters (v7b-8, people or events whose presence can lengthen or intensify the affliction).

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