Monday, May 18, 2020

Read Psalm 124.

The snare is a problem we get into ourselves.  It may likely be something left over from our life in Meshech, "the city of destruction".  And now on the pilgrimage, it has again snatched us up and will destroy us!  Is it hopeless? No!

Note that 2 phrases are repeated in this Psalm:

1.    v1-2: "If the Lord had not been on our side."

This is the fundamental issue.  God, Who promised to be the Help and to watch over the pilgrim all the way to his destination, is in fact yet on the side of the pilgrim.  Certainly when believers allow themselves to be entrapped they might expect a loving Father to discipline them, and He does.  But some might think that even the most loving father would walk off, leaving them to their own devises.  Such is not the case.

Perhaps there is something very deep here.  This idea of the Lord being on our side is spoken by the Apostle Paul in a special passage in Romans 8:31.  In the verses that follow questions are repeatedly raised:

i.       Who shall bring a charge against God's elect (v33)?

ii.     Who is he who condemns (v34)?

iii.  Who shall separate us from the love of Christ (v35)?

The answer to every question has something to do with God's provision for the Christian.  God has justified us!  Christ has died for us, been raised for us, and intercedes for us! 

The pilgrim that fails to understand this will be diverted from the path, assuming that his personal guilt is unforgivable.  He will assume that the One Who would help him will only now judge him. But he must learn that his Help will be true to His word.  And how will the pilgrim learn this?  Through the second repeated phrase.

2.    v7: "We are escaped."

It is only when we have been ensnared by the fowler, made to suffer the pain of sin, and then given the way of escape (1 Cor. 10:13) that we learn something about God that is indeed amazing. The amazing grace that saves a wretch like me is also the grace that brings us through many dangers, toils, and snares.  Amazing grace, how sweet the sound!

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