Friday, November 29, 2019

Matthew 8:23-27; Psalm 107:23-30, Evidence (5)

As we continue in these two chapters that are full of confirmations of the claims and message of Jesus, there are two things to note.  First, a reminder from the last post, that the bottom line issue is the answer to the question: “Who is Jesus?”  The question is not, “Do you want to be healed?”  Or even, “Do you think I can heal you?”  The healings and other signs have a purpose; they are never the ultimate point.  You will see that clearly in the next two events.

Also, these signs were performed publicly; Jesus intended the people of Israel to see them and know Him.  However, we cannot dismiss the idea that these things were done before His disciples.  He is always in the process of discipling these men and preparing them for the ministry He has for them in the future.

Ø Jesus’ authority over the natural world, 8:23-27.

The storm on the sea was great; in Greek it was a great (megas) seismos, a shaking.  In case you ever go to Israel and see the Sea of Galilee and realize it is just a good sized lake, I always like to remind people of the sign on the boardwalk in Tiberias that says in the 1930’s there was a storm of such ferocity on Galilee that it destroyed the port of that time. (See photo.)

Remember that among this group of disciples are experienced fishermen, men of the Sea.  Yet they are afraid.  In other words, this was a true beyond-my-ability situation. 

So how can Jesus simply say, “O you of little faith?”  For one thing you have in the OT (the Psalms passage in today’s reading) a reminder that even on the seas there is reason to trust God.  It is one of the area of testimony in Psalm 107.

But really, the only thing that makes sense is that they do not understand Who is on board with them!  As the Creator, Jesus has the power and authority to merely rebuke the winds and the sea and there was a great calm. The same word is here (megas) as in v24 in speaking of the shaking.  When things are calm there is nothing going on.  It really takes an amazing turn around to call “nothing” great.  The men are correct in their amazement: Who can this be?  This is the question that must be asked about Jesus.  As He will ask later, Who do you say that I am?

This is our question as well.  Many these days do all they can to discount the stories of Jesus, denying His supernatural abilities.  They do this to the detriment of their souls, denying the very evidence that this Man is the One sent from God.  He is clearly exceptional, unique because He bears the glory of the Son of God. 

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