Friday, July 19, 2019

1 Thess. 5:14, 1 Cor. 8:7-12, Body Life (4)

Before moving on to another important area of ministry to others we want to insert, in connection with the issue of faintheartedness, some suggestions we have found helpful.  To be honest I cannot remember the source for this but I can attest to its value.  I do know Luther struggled with issues of depression.  Perhaps you will also find this helpful.


1.                 Avoid being alone.
2.                 Seek out people or situations which generate joy.
3.                 Sing and make music. (Ps 42:8; Ac 16:25)
4.                 Dismiss heavy thoughts. (Phil 4:8)
5.                 Rely on the promises of Scripture.
6.                 Seek consolation from others.
7.                 Praise and give thanks. (Psalm 42-43)
8.                 Be concerned for other depressed people.
9.                 Exercise patience with yourself.
10.            Believe in the blessing of depression. (Rom 8:28)

III.Uphold the weak.

Who are the “weak”? We are all, after all, the weak people for which Christ died (Rom. 5:6).  The primary uses of this term have to do with physical weakness (e.g. sickness; Lk. 10:9; used of women compared to men, 1 Peter 3:7) and spiritual weakness.  A couple of examples of the latter include being too weak to discipline the flesh (Mt. 26:41) and being weak in the faith (Rom. 14:1) so as not to have freedom of conscience in disputable matters (1 Cor. 8:7-12).

Now we ask, how do we uphold the weak?  The word itself means to hold fast to or cleave to someone.  It is having more concern for the interests of others than for one’s own.  The weak need to know there are people who will stand by them, who will not forsake them because of their weakness.

If we are to stand by the weak what must we believe about them?

·        Lk. 5:15: There may be healing. (People came to be healed of their "weaknesses".)

·        Heb. 4:15: Christ is touched by our weaknesses.

·        1 Cor. 1:25: God's weakness is stronger than our strength.

·        2 Cor. 12:9ff: Our weakness opens the way for God's strength.

·        John 11:4; 1 Cor. 1:27: God will use weakness.  Lazarus sickness was to the glory of God.  God uses it to confound the mighty.

Given that we are all subject to weakness these thoughts ought to be encouraging for all us.  Let us meditate on these things and in our next post we will consider ways the Bible would have us be a help to weak.

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