Saturday, November 24, 2018

1 Peter 1:6-9; 1 John 1:1-4, Sincere Faith (3)

III.            The focus of faith, 1:8.

The term focus is meant to convey the Biblical admonition to set your minds on.  In this case it is not so much an admonition is a recognition that this is what believers in Christ do.  Even though Jesus Christ is, at this point, invisible to believers, He is still the chief object of their meditations and full-hearted emotions.  Let us not the three ways Peter speaks of this focus with additional thoughts (in outline form) on each.

a.     To focus on Christ is to LOVE Christ.

                 i.      We define love in the way we believe Christ defined it, as sacrificial giving (John 3:16; 1 John 4:10).

              ii.      We don’t truly love God until we believe in Christ.

           iii.      All other loves are like hate compared to our love for Him (Mt. 10:37).

            iv.      Our love for Christ is pure response to God’s love for us (1 Jn. 4:19; Rom. 5:8).

There is every reason why we should love Him.  His character is infinitely lovely.  He has done more for us than any other One who ever lived among men.  He died for us to redeem our souls.  He rose, and brought life and immortality to light.  He ever lives to intercede for us in heaven.  He is employed in preparing mansions of rest for us in the skies, and He will come and take us to Himself, that we may be with Him forever.  Such a Savior ought to be loved, is loved, and will be loved. (Albert Barnes)

b.     To focus on Christ is to BELIEVE in Christ.

                 i.      A. T. Robertson notes that Peter may have had in mind Jesus’ exchange with Thomas in Jn. 20:29.  Though John’s gospel had not yet been penned Peter was there when Jesus spoke with Thomas.

              ii.      Christ can only be seen by the eyes of faith (2 Cor. 5:7).

           iii.      Faith does not make the non-existent real but rather it makes the unseen real.  The fool believes that which cannot be.  A wise man believes that which, though unseen, is believable.  And Christ IS believable.  His life and ministry fulfilled prophecy, was witnessed by many (friends and foes alike), was attested by miracles, was confirmed by His resurrection and produced many benefits.

c.     To focus on Christ is to REJOICE GREATLY in Christ.

                 i.      In v6 we knew that we rejoiced greatly in our trials; in v8 we know why!  The stronger the focus on Christ the greater our joy (1 John 1:1-4); the greater the joy the less we feel capable of properly speaking of that joy. Amen!

                    ii.                    In Peter’s writings it is always Christ who has the glory (4:11, 13-14).  Thus we are full of joy because we are full of the glory of Christ. 

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