Thursday, October 25, 2018

Luke 6:30-38 Financial Difficulties (3)

Again, what actions fit the life of faith when things are tight financially.

·        Godly actions.

o1 Thess. 4:9-12: Put off laziness; put on diligence.  This passage describes it as leading a quiet life, minding your own business and working with your hands which results in meeting needs and giving you a good testimony.

oNm. 21:16-18: Put off complaining; put on praising God for past provision.

oLk. 6:30-38: This same passage tells us to put off stinginess and put on generosity.  Giving to those in need is the epitome of godliness (Jn. 3:16).

oEph. 4:28; 2 Thess. 3:6-15: The antidote for stealing is working with your hands.  It’s not just that the work provides money; it’s that we are like our Creator who made what He made and then saw that it was good (Gen. 1).

oProv. 3:27-30: Put off not paying your bills and practice faithfulness to obligations.  The principle says to pay your bills when it is in your power to do so.  We should be responsible, not ignoring these things but facing them by God’s grace.

o2 Cor. 9:7-8; Mt. 6:19-21: Rather than withholding from God we should be returning to God from what He has given us.  Faith says we give to Him first (Pro. 3:9-10), not waiting to see what is left over.  Thus we lay up treasure in heaven.

·        Learning from the opportunity.

We have found in Scripture many godly attitudes and actions.  But our last words are to guard against a common failure in all areas of life.  The basic answer to trials/temptations is not to set out to do the best we can or to try hard to implement these ideas.  As we shares these ideas from Scripture we regularly referred to our trust in God.  The key is that we cast ourselves upon God!  These things are quite familiar, or should be to the Christian.  But let us be reminded:

oMatt. 6:33: Examine the priorities of your life.  Seek first God’s kingdom (what is important in His system rather than what is important in the world-system in which we live).

oRom. 12:1: Present yourself (and all your have) to Christ to use as He pleases.  If His purposes involve the loss of earthly wealth trust Him.

oRom. 12:2: Regularly be involved in God’s word so that your mind is being renewed.  We are always in danger of thinking about finances the way the people around us are thinking.  This is a constant issue!

oPhil. 4:6-7: Pray without ceasing!  When bad news comes (or any news) our first response should be towards heaven.

oHeb. 10:24-25:  Find encouragement in a fellowship of believers that takes the word of God seriously.

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