Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Job 1:13-22; Examine Yourselves: Financial Difficulties (2)

When confronted by financial difficulties we can handle the situation in a godly or sinful manner.  We have considered sinful attitudes; now let us consider sinful courses of action.

·        Sinful actions.

oProv. 21:25-26: Laziness is a cause as well as an approach to life that accomplishes nothing.  And it is worse, as in this passage, when the lazy man still covets what others have.

oNum. 11:1-9: Complaining is another non-productive approach to life.  Ultimately we are complaints are always directed at God.

oLuke 6:30-38: We may try to solve financial troubles by stinginess (being “tight-fisted”).  Being stingy is not being thrifty; the stingy person looks away from those in need.

oEph. 4:28: Another sinful way of trying to overcome a financial squeeze is stealing, taking what is not yours.

oRom. 13:8: Withholding payment of what is due to others is also a sin.

oProv. 3:9-10: And with all of these we should note that dishonoring God by not acknowledging His provision by returning a portion to Him is also a sin.

How should we handle these situations?  Now let us consider six attitudes and then six actions, each being the response to the six sinful attitudes and actions. 

·        Godly attitudes.

oPhil. 4:6-7: Instead of worry we are to pray with thanksgiving.  This is a basic expression of trust in God’s goodness, even when things are tight.

oIsa. 41:10: Rather than succumbing to fear trust in God’s presence will lead to courage.  (Heb. 13:5-6 is also a great passage for meditation.)

o1 Tim. 6:7-8: Trust in God’s sovereignty will keep us from anger and we will approach God in meekness.  Job had this kind of trust; cf. Job 1:21.

oPhil. 4:4: Trust in God’s compassion/mercy will bring joyfulness rather than self-pity.

oJames 5:7-12: Trust in God’s faithfulness (promises) with give endurance rather than discouragement that leads us to give up.

oPhil. 4:10-13: Finally, trust in God’s provision will produce contentment rather than covetousness which is insatiable.

In tomorrow’s post we will conclude our study of how people who walk by faith deal with the challenges of financial difficulty.

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