Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Amos 9:7-15

Like every other of Israel’s prophets, Amos cried out for repentance from God’s people, repentance for their idolatry and accompanying wickedness.  But like other prophet there was included in Amos’ message from God a promise of hope for Israel.  In 9:7-8 the Lord brings Amos to a critical turning point: I will destroy the nation, but I will not utterly destroy the nation.  There will be a remnant of His people.

There is yet another graphic picture from Amos.  God’s judgment will be like a sieve, where most of the dirt falls to the ground.  But not the smallest pebble of the chosen remnant will fall to the ground.  It will be kept in God’s care.  

This is a testimony to God’s promise and faithfulness.  Israel’s sin made them like every other nation (v7).  And God will judge them accordingly.  But Israel is never just another nation in God’s eyes.  They were chosen by God, through His covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  And it is specifically the descendants of Jacob (not Ishmael or Esau who were also descendants of Abraham) that God will someday restore (v8).  And what a glorious restoration it will be!  

·        It will be a restoration of the Davidic reign and kingdom, 9:11-12.  The house of David will be restored with the greater Son of David, Jesus, the Lord Himself, on the throne.  Note the possessions David will have.
o   He will possess the remnant of Edom.  Edom was the cruelest of Israel’s surrounding nations.  When the Babylonians destroyed Jerusalem and took the people captive Edom rejoiced and prepared themselves to take possession of the land vacated by sinful Israel.  They were the original replacement theologians so to speak; they concluded that God had rejected Israel.  (Read of this in Ezekiel 35.)  But they were wrong.  God was just judging Israel but would eventually restore them (Ezek. 39:23).

o   He will possess the Gentiles who are called by My name.  Like many of the prophets (e.g. Deut. 32:43; Isa. 56; 65:1-2) Amos prophesies the salvation of Gentiles as well as Israel.  This is fulfilled in the Church (Rom. 11:1-10) but also points to the end time when people from every tribe, language, and people will worship Christ (Rev. 7:9-17).

·        And of course, it will be a restoration of the people of the land of Israel, 9:13-15.  The land is fundamental to Israel as God’s earthly people.  His covenant was to bless the land.  But their disobedience to the Law resulted in the land being made desolate.  But when God’s keeps His promise He will bring the people back to the land and there they will prosper in it.  And in the restoration Amos speaks of, the people will never again be removed from the land.  This is certainly the time of the Messiah.

God is faithful to His word in every setting.  He will judge wickedness; and He will restore Israel.  You can count on it!

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