Friday, October 20, 2017

Amos 7:10-17

Not only did the prophet appear before God on behalf of the people; he also appeared before the people to speak for God.  That is the emphasis of the last half of Amos 7.  Amos was resisted by the established religious authorities of the day: a priest of Bethel.  In other words, not an Aaronic priest but a priest who was established by Jeroboam to oversee the idolatrous worship of the Northern Kingdom.  The people of Samaria never did free themselves from the worship of the gold calves of Bethel and Dan (1 Kings 12:25-33; 2 Kings 17:16).

So this false priest, Amaziah, spins Amos’ message and tattles to the king, Jeroboam II.  Technically, Amos did not say Jeroboam would die by the sword (7:11) but that the sword would be against Jeroboam’s house (7:9).  Amaziah is right that Amos said Israel would be led away captive; but he leaves out any discussion of the reason (their sin) or God’s offer of hope (through repentance; seek Me and live.)  This is the way it is with attacks on the true word of God; the attack must depend on exaggeration or slight misstatement of some sort.  This is Satan’s trick.  Remember in the temptation of Jesus Satan quoted Scripture, but put a spin on it that made it wrong (Matt. 4:6).  Consider some more of Satan’s lies in the words of Amaziah (7:12-13), and consider the truth.

·        Satan’s lie is that Amos is at liberty to “get out”; but Amos only has liberty to obey God, to preach where God has sent him.
·        Satan’s lie is that Amos can save his life by going home; but God’s truth is that whoever saves his own life shall in fact forfeit it.
·        Satan’s lie is that Amos can go home and earn your bread there; but God’s truth is that man shall not live by bread alone.
·        Satan says you can fulfill your God-given responsibility elsewhere; God says he will direct our paths.
·        Satan says the king has authority in Bethel and must be obeyed; God says we must obey Him rather than men.

  Amos, in reality, does not defend himself, except to lay it all on God.  This was not a ministry Amos sought; it was given to him by God and he is simply doing what God said.  The bottom line is what he says to Amaziah.  This false priest will become evidence of the truth and validity of Amos message.

Amos attitude and approach to ministry is one which is needed so much today.  God desires us to serve Him.  And it is the Lord Jesus, the Head of the Church, who places us in the places He has in mind.  We need to be convinced that we are in the place and doing the thing He has in mind for us.  Over the years I have often encountered those who thought that if my ministry was different it would be more successful.  But what they meant by successful was not that it would be pleasing to God; they usually had in mind being pleasing to men and successful in man’s eyes.  Lord may we be as Amos, faithful to your calling.

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